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Although the HRaDeX application accepts only csv file exported from DynamX in cluster format, it is not impossible to use HRaDeX package with other formats. Here, we present a little guide to mocking data.

In this article, we focus on processing on the file so it could be accepted into HRaDeX workflow. We do not discuss the content of the file, without minor comment addressing already calculated uptake data.

Keep in mind that this guide is based on the limited amount of file types from popular vendors. As there are many formats and local custom in labeling the data, this article should be treated as a hint how to start, and not finite tutorial. The user needs to be careful and react accordingly. In case of any doubt, feel free to contact us, we will be glad to help!

The best way to check if the file is suitable for the application is load in (using e.q. web-server) and see the file status. If the file is in wrong format, there should be appropriate message. Another way is to use HaDeX::read_hdx() function. Be careful, as HaDeX::read_hdx() allows the use of specific files of HDeXaminer origin, but only from the code level, it is not implemented in the application.

DynamX cluster file

This is the preferable file format, that does not need any processing. The required columns are:

#>  [1] "Protein"      "Start"        "End"          "Sequence"     "Modification"
#>  [6] "Fragment"     "MaxUptake"    "MHP"          "State"        "Exposure"    
#> [11] "File"         "z"            "RT"           "Inten"        "Center"

If the file have all required columns, it should be accepted by the HaDeX::read_hdx() function.

DynamX state file

If the user already have an exported file from DynamX in state format, we assume they have an access to DynamX and we recommend them to export file in cluster format to avoid any data processing. However, if this is impossible, we present how to mock missing information.

#>  [1] "Protein"      "Start"        "End"          "Sequence"     "Modification"
#>  [6] "Fragment"     "MaxUptake"    "MHP"          "State"        "Exposure"    
#> [11] "Center"       "Center SD"    "Uptake"       "Uptake SD"    "RT"          
#> [16] "RT SD"

To go from here to desired format, there are some action needed:

dat <- read.csv(datafile)

dat %>%
    # mock columns
    mutate(z = 1, 
           Inten = 1, 
           File = "")
    # exclude unused columns
    select(-Uptake, -`Uptake SD`, -`Center SD`, -`RT SD`)

Then, save the file and use it in the application.

Other way is to use already made uptake calculations and use the uptake data directly in the workflow:

kin_dat <- dat %>%
    # select only one state 
    # exclude measurement without calculated uptake
    filter(State == state,
           ! %>%
    # rename to used convention 
    rename(deut_uptake = Uptake,
           err_deut_uptake = `Uptake SD`) %>%
    # exclude unused columns
    select(-Center, -`Center SD`, -RT, -`RT SD`, -Fragment)

This way we have uptake calculated in Daltons. As we recommend, the HRaDeX workflow works best on normalized data. If there is FD (labeled with Exposure value), here is how to normalize uptake with respect to selected measurement:

# select FD based on Exposure in time_100
fd_dat <- filter(kin_dat, Exposure == time_100) %>%
    arrange(Start, End) %>%
    mutate(ID = 1:nrow(.))

# normalize the uptake data and calculate uncertainty
  kin_dat <- merge(kin_dat, fd_dat,
               by = c("Protein", "Start", "End", "Sequence", "Modification", "MaxUptake", "MHP", "State"),
               suffixes = c("", "_fd")) %>%
    mutate(frac_deut_uptake = deut_uptake/deut_uptake_fd,
           err_frac_deut_uptake = sqrt((err_deut_uptake/deut_uptake_fd)^2 + (deut_uptake*err_deut_uptake_fd/deut_uptake_fd^2)^2)) %>%
    select(-Exposure_fd, -deut_uptake_fd, -err_deut_uptake_fd) %>%
    filter(Exposure > time_0) %>%
    arrange(Start, End, State, Exposure) %>%
    select(ID, everything())

  attr(kin_dat, "time_100")= time_100

If FD is labeled differently, adjust the code.

Calculated kin_dat can be used in e.q. create_fit_dataset() function. For more information check vignette("workflow") article.


We do not have much experience with HDeXaminer, but we encountered data source labeled as HDeXaminer source in PRIDE. We want to discuss them briefly.

If the file has following columns:

#>  [1] "Protein State" "Deut Time"     "Experiment"    "Start"        
#>  [5] "End"           "Sequence"      "Charge"        "Search RT"    
#>  [9] "Actual RT"     "# Spectra"     "Peak Width"    "m/z Shift"    
#> [13] "Max Inty"      "Exp Cent"      "Theor Cent"    "Score"        
#> [17] "Cent Diff"     "# Deut"        "Deut %"        "Confidence"

it can be processed with HaDeX::read_hdx() from the code level, as it requires additional action from the user. Then, this data can be used as described in the Workflow article.

If the file has following columns:

#>  [1] "Protein State"      "Protein"            "Start"             
#>  [4] " End"               "Sequence"           "Peptide Mass"      
#>  [7] "RT (min)"           "Deut Time (sec)"    "maxD"              
#> [10] "Theor #D"           "#D"                 "%D"                
#> [13] "Conf Interval (#D)" "#Rep"               "Confidence"        
#> [16] "Stddev"             "p"

we can transform in directly into uptake dat in just a few steps. Keep in mind that from this file format some information is missing (e.q. uncertainty):

# select only necessary columns
dat <- dat[c(1:6, 8:12)]
# adjust column names
colnames(dat) <- c("State", "Protein", "Start", "End", "Sequence", "MHP",  "Exposure", "MaxUptake", "theo_deut_uptake", "deut_uptake", "frac_deut_uptake")
# change units
dat["Exposure"] <- dat["Exposure"]/60
dat["frac_deut_uptake"] <- dat["frac_deut_uptake"]/100

# add ID
peptide_list <- select(dat, Sequence, Start, End) %>%
  arrange(Start, End) %>%
  unique() %>%
  mutate(ID = 1:nrow(.))

kin_dat <- merge(dat, peptide_list, by = c("Sequence", "Start", "End")) %>%
  arrange(Start, End)

# mock uncertainty for plots
kin_dat["err_frac_deut_uptake"] <- 0
kin_dat["err_deut_uptake"] <- 0

then, when we have the uptake data, if can be used directly in HRaDeX workflow:

# select one state for classification 
kin_dat <- filter(kin_dat, State == unique(kin_dat[["State"]])[1] )

# create fits
fit_values_all <- create_fit_dataset(kin_dat, get_example_fit_k_params_2(), fractional = T)

# example fit 
tmp_id = 1

fit_values <- fit_values_all[fit_values_all[["id"]]==tmp_id, ]
fit_dat <- kin_dat[kin_dat[["ID"]]==tmp_id, ]

plot_fitted_uc(fit_dat, fit_values, fractional = T)