Plots uc with linear fit
Plots uptake curve for a peptide with linear fit. Used in GUI to present uptake curves for edge cases, where the three-exponential model cannot be fitted.
kin_dat <- prepare_kin_dat(alpha_dat)
fit_dat <- kin_dat[kin_dat[["ID"]]==1, ]
plot_lm(fit_dat, class_name = unique(fit_dat[["class_name"]]))
#> Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: tooltip
#> Error in geom_point(aes(x = Exposure, y = deut_uptake, tooltip = glue("Sequence: {sequence}\n Exposure: {Exposure}\n DU = {formatC(deut_uptake, 2) Da}\n Err DU = {formatC(err_deut_uptake, 2) Da}")), shape = 1, size = 3): Problem while computing aesthetics.
#> ℹ Error occurred in the 1st layer.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! Failed to parse glue component
#> Caused by error in `parse()`:
#> ! <text>:1:25: unexpected symbol
#> 1: formatC(deut_uptake, 2) Da
#> ^