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This function iterates through common list of peptides in two states, based on their position in the sequence. For each pair of peptide data, the uc distance is calculated. The method of uc distance calucation is described in the vigniette TODO.


create_uc_distance_dataset(kin_dat_1, kin_dat_2)



kinetic data for the first state


kinetic data for the second state


data.frame for plotting functions

See also

get_uc_distance plot_uc_distance


kin_dat_1 <- prepare_kin_dat(alpha_dat, state = unique(alpha_dat[["State"]])[1])
kin_dat_2 <- prepare_kin_dat(alpha_dat, state = unique(alpha_dat[["State"]])[2])
uc_dist_dataset <- create_uc_distance_dataset(kin_dat_1, kin_dat_2)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> # Groups:   MaxUptake, Start [6]
#>   MaxUptake Start   End frac_uptake_diff uptake_diff frac_uptake_dist
#>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>       <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1         9     1    11             74.1       138.              4.23
#> 2         8     2    11             43.4        86.8             3.22
#> 3         7     3    11             34.8        59.6             2.76
#> 4         4     5    10            726.       4834.              3.45
#> 5         5     5    11             24.3        26.2             3.16
#> 6         5     9    14             44.4        58.4             3.67
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: uptake_dist <dbl>, Sequence <chr>