Calculate kinetics of the hydrogen-deuteration exchange for given peptide.

  protein = dat[["Protein"]][1],
  deut_part = 1



dat data read by read_hdx


protein value for chosen peptide


sequence of the peptide for which the kinetics is calculated


state of given sequence


end of given sequence


end of given sequence


time in for experimental calculations


time out for experimental calculations


percentage of deuterium the protein was exposed to, value in range [0, 1]


data frame with deuteration calculated for all the data points between time_in and time_out. The chosen time point for which deuteration in all four variants is calculated is available in column `time_chosen`. The rest of the returned structure is equivalent to structure returned by calculate_state_deuteration.


The function calculates deuteration data for all available data points for given peptide. All four variants (relative & theoretical combinations) of deuteration computations are supported. Manual correction of percentage of deuterium the protein was exposed to during the exchange in theoretical calculations is provided. To visualize obtained data we recommend using plot_kinetics function. The first version doesn't support filled Modification and Fragment columns.

See also


# load example data dat <- read_hdx(system.file(package = "HaDeX", "HaDeX/data/KD_180110_CD160_HVEM.csv")) # calculate data for sequence INITSSASQEGTRLN in state CD160 (kin1 <- calculate_kinetics(dat, protein = "db_CD160", sequence = "INITSSASQEGTRLN", state = "CD160", start = 1, end = 15, time_in = 0.001, time_out = 1440))
#> # A tibble: 5 x 15 #> Protein Sequence Start End State time_chosen frac_exch_state #> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD160 0.167 76.9 #> 2 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD160 1 84.2 #> 3 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD160 5 87.5 #> 4 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD160 25 93.2 #> 5 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD160 120 95.5 #> # ... with 8 more variables: err_frac_exch_state <dbl>, #> # abs_frac_exch_state <dbl>, err_abs_frac_exch_state <dbl>, #> # avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, err_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, #> # abs_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, err_abs_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, #> # Med_Sequence <dbl>
# calculate data for sequence INITSSASQEGTRLN in state CD160_HVEM (kin2 <- calculate_kinetics(dat, protein = "db_CD160", sequence = "INITSSASQEGTRLN", state = "CD160_HVEM", start = 1, end = 15, time_in = 0.001, time_out = 1440))
#> # A tibble: 5 x 15 #> Protein Sequence Start End State time_chosen frac_exch_state #> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD16~ 0.167 74.4 #> 2 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD16~ 1 81.5 #> 3 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD16~ 5 82.9 #> 4 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD16~ 25 87.7 #> 5 db_CD1~ INITSSA~ 1 15 CD16~ 120 95.2 #> # ... with 8 more variables: err_frac_exch_state <dbl>, #> # abs_frac_exch_state <dbl>, err_abs_frac_exch_state <dbl>, #> # avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, err_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, #> # abs_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, err_abs_avg_theo_in_time <dbl>, #> # Med_Sequence <dbl>
# load extra libraries library(dplyr)
#> #> Dołączanie pakietu: 'dplyr'
#> Następujące obiekty zostały zakryte z 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag
#> Następujące obiekty zostały zakryte z 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Warning: pakiet 'ggplot2' został zbudowany w wersji R 4.0.3
# plot example - experimental and relative bind_rows(kin1, kin2) %>% plot_kinetics(theoretical = FALSE, relative = TRUE) + labs(title = "Kinetic plot for INITSSASQEGTRLN")
# plot example - theoretical and absolute bind_rows(kin1, kin2) %>% plot_kinetics(theoretical = TRUE, relative = FALSE) + labs(title = "Theoretical kinetics plot for INITSSASQEGTRLN")